Abdul-Baset Razem, a Palestinian guide and driver in his extended family's backyard olive orchard with his day's worth of food in the Palestinian village of Abu Dis in East Jerusalem. (From the book What I Eat: Around the World in 80 Diets.) The caloric value of his typical day's worth of food on a day in the month of October was 3000 kcals. He is 40 years of age; 5 feet, 6 inches tall; and 204 pounds. On the hilltop in the distance, Israel's 25-foot-high concrete security barrier cuts off this Abu Dis neighborhood from Jerusalem, turning a short trip into the city into an extremely long and circuitous journey requiring passage through an Israeli checkpoint on the highway. Constructed by the Israeli government to cut down on attacks and suicide bombings, the highly controversial 436-mile-long barrier was 60 percent complete at the time of this photo. For the majority of Palestinians, travel to and from East Jerusalem now requires special permits from the Israeli government?often difficult or impossible to obtain. MODEL RELEASED.